How Is Urban Transport Changing With The Electric Scooter?

How Is Urban Transport Changing With The Electric Scooter?

If you want to have an environmentally friendly, fun, and traffic-free commute, then an electric scooter is for you. Electric scooters are perfect for people who have a commute that's a few miles away or you need to walk or take a bus. It's not only useful for commuting, but it is exciting too if you want an offroad adventure. urban-transport-changing-with-electric-scooter The sight of electric scooters is becoming more and more common in urban areas. With the rise in technology and the need for green living and environmental protection, e-scooters and e-bikes are becoming viable solutions. With the Varla Eagle One being able to fold up in seconds and travel over 40 miles on a single charge, traveling on an adult electric scooter hasn't been more time-saving and fun. Let's explore why electric scooters are changing urban transport.


This is what's great about electric scooters. When you get to your destination, fold it up and take it along with you. Some users will fold it and store it under their desk at work or hop on the subway with their scooter under their arm. Isn't it amazing? Here how you can enjoy an electric scooter:
  • Convenience: Urban electric scooter riders see the convenience of getting around in traffic-prone areas and reaching their destination on time.
  • Foldable: Take your electric scooter anywhere you can't ride.
  • Safety: Don't hassle with chaining your electric scooter up or worry about it getting stolen. You have it with you so travel without worry.
  • Lightweight: As with the Varla Eagle One electric scooter, it is lightweight, so you can carry it with ease but still heavy-duty and durable.
  • Time-saving: Skip sitting in traffic or waiting for an Uber – hop on your Eagle One electric scooter and get to where you need to go and fast.


Carbon dioxide pollution is one of the leading causes of climate change, and its severity is increasing at a disturbing rate in the last few decades. Most transportation methods are dependant on diesel and petrol, which emits large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. The future of automation is electric-driven transportation, and the future of our planet is dependent on it. Electric vehicles, bikes, and scooters are the future of eco-friendly urban commuting. It uses very little electricity and emits no gases into the air. The little electricity it takes to charge an electric scooter adds a small amount to your monthly electric bill. Your Eagle One electric scooter has eco-friendly, and you can start doing your part to save the environment today!

Get Your Body Moving

Going to the gym or walks after work seems like a daunting task during stressful work or school days. Your electric scooter is a nice break from staring at a computer screen behind a desk. Take a break from studying or stressful morning and go for a ride to a cool lunch spot and get your body moving. Taking a break on your electric scooter will refresh your mind so you can head back to work rejuvenated and ready for the rest of the day. Here’s how you can stay fit with your electric scooter:
  • Increase your core strength: When riding your electric scooter, you need to stabilize your body, putting a positive demand on your core muscles.
  • Leg workout: Get a light leg workout from kicking your leg out and using your thigh and glute muscles to support your weight.
  • Low-intensity workout: Get a low-intensity workout with your electric scooter, and if you want something more demanding, change the terrain your riding on. Off-road riding requires more physical work.
  • Motivation: Days are long in the city, and you might feel like there is not enough time in the day to get a workout in. Having an Eagle One electric scooter is excellent motivation to get out there and enjoy the outdoors while getting light exercise.
While riding an e-scooter won't help you achieve weight loss goals, but it can certainly keep you fit and moving!


Electric scooters can be a safe option for urban commuters. They have an effective braking system, control, and it's lightweight. You can step off your electric scooter with ease making it a safe option for commuters. The Varla Eagle One has an excellent duel hydraulic brakes and suspension system to ensure you can ride on or offroad with ease and brake right away when you need to. To add to your protection, take a look at our accessories store! We have knee and elbow pads to keep you protected if you fall.

Noise-Free Transportation

Electric scooters are noise-free and fast! The Eagle One can go more than 40 mph to your destination with only the hum of your motor. Why add to the noise of urban living when you can ride your adult electric scooter noise-free. It's like riding on air! The noise of big cities often contributes to some residents' mental illness because of the excessive noise pollution. Local residents prefer people riding electric scooters to keep that one extra loud vehicle off the road.

The Bottom Line

Not only do electric scooters help you avoid crowds and traffic jams, they are safe and environmentally friendly. While there are few states that laws and regulations for electric scooter drivers, you should be mindful of traffic laws and pedestrians to ensure everyone stays safe on the road. There is a lot of control when riding your e-scooter in urban areas. The e-scooter brakes with just a touch, and you can step off with ease if you feel you are losing your balance. Electric scooters are an excellent option for people living in the city because of their portability, long-range, and money-saver benefits. Don't waste another minute and get your Varla Eagle One electric scooter today and start commuting in style!

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