Varla off road electric scooter

Tips and Tricks to Avoiding Common Pain When Riding Your Electric Scooter

Electric scooters are quickly becoming more popular with commuters and recreational riders. It’s a great way to get around your city or have a little fun. What many people forget is that riding an electric scooter is a physical activity, much like riding a bike or skateboard. It’s important to take precautions to avoid injuries, especially for adults or heavy riders. While many riders do protect themselves in the event of a crash such as wearing a helmet, other forms of pain or discomfort can come from riding an electric scooter. The most common pain points include the neck, back, abdomen, hand, wrist, and fingers. At Varla, we want our customers to have a great experience each and every time they hit the road on one of our long-range scooters. Here are some tips and tricks to avoid some of the most common types of pain and discomfort and ensure you are riding safely. 

Common Types of Pain or Discomfort While Riding an Electric Scooter

NOTE: Before we jump into the list, we want to stress that you should stop immediately and take a break if you experience any pain or discomfort while riding your electric scooter. By continuing to ride, you could make the injury worse and increase the discomfort or pain. If any pain continues for a prolonged amount of time, you should seek help from a doctor or another medical professional.

Back and Neck Pain

Some riders experience stiffness or soreness in their backs and necks after riding their electric scooter. This is usually caused by poor riding posture. Pay close attention to how you are riding on electric scooter. Are your back and neck straight? Do you feel like you have to hunch or lean forward to reach the handlebars? One of the best ways to avoid this type of discomfort is to adjust your handlebars to the appropriate height. You should be able to reach the handlebars naturally with your back straight and knees slightly bent.

Varla fast electric scooter

Stiff Legs and Knees

Standing on the deck for long periods of time can cause a strain on your legs and knees. This is especially true if you are riding across rough terrain. The first problem is that you don’t move your legs often when riding an electric scooter, so they may become stiff from being in one position for too long. If that’s the case, be sure to periodically park your scooter and stretch your legs. While riding your scooter, ensure that you are standing properly. Most riders prefer a skateboard-style stance with the front foot facing forward and the back foot at an angle or completely sideways.  Also, check to make sure that your knees aren’t locked while riding. Your knees should be bent slightly. This helps to absorb the shock when you go over a pothole or bump in the road. For Varla owners, you’ll enjoy the added comfort from our industry-leading suspension system built into our models.

Hand and Wrist Pain

When riding your scooter, you will be using your hands and wrists for steering, accelerating, and braking. This could be putting a lot of strain on your hand and wrist joints. Over time, this could result in conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome, cubital tunnel syndrome, or tennis elbow. These conditions often are attributed to holding your hand and wrist in an awkward position or prolonged exposure to bumps and vibrations throughout your ride. If you are feeling discomfort, check and see if your hands and wrists are in a natural position. If you have to bend your wrist up or down too much, you might need to adjust some of the handlebar accessories like the brake lever or throttle. For example, riders may adjust their trigger throttle upward so that they can see the display screen better. This can force you to put your hand in an uncomfortable position to reach the accelerator. You can also get a stiff wrist from holding it in the same position for long rides or gripping the handlebars too tightly. It might be a good idea to stop mid-trip to give your hands and wrist a break. Your hands are especially susceptible to cold temperatures. This can cause pain if they are exposed to the elements for long periods of time. If you live in an area that gets winter weather, gloves are a great way to protect your hands. Just make sure that you pick a pair that allows your hands to move freely so it doesn’t impact your ability to drive or control your scooter.

Finger and Thumb Fatigue

Many riders report feeling fatigued in their fingers while riding their electric scooter. Our fingers are not connected to large muscles like our arms and legs, so repetitive motion and use can cause them to become tired more quickly. Hand and finger exercises are a good way to mitigate fatigue in your fingers. You could also adjust parts like the throttle (both trigger and thumb) to make them easier to operate.

Abdominal Pain

Riding an electric scooter requires good balance. Most of your balance comes from engaging the muscles in your abdomen. If you are new to riding an electric scooter, you may need to build up these muscles. By doing some core exercises, you can not only reduce the chance of injury but also improve your riding balance. If your stance is incorrect, you might be putting unnecessary strain on your core to compensate for this.

Varla motorized scooter for adults

Proper Riding Posture

  • 1. Maintaining an Upright Position

One of the key factors in ensuring a comfortable ride on your electric scooter is maintaining a proper upright posture. Standing up straight with your head up and shoulders relaxed helps to reduce strain on your neck, back, and shoulders. It also allows you to maintain better balance and control over the scooter. Make sure to slightly bend your knees to absorb any bumps or shocks from the road, which will help you maintain stability and minimize discomfort.

  • 2. Keeping a Relaxed Grip on the Handlebars

Gripping the handlebars too tightly can cause discomfort and fatigue in your hands and arms. Instead, maintain a relaxed yet firm grip on the handlebars, allowing your hands to absorb vibrations from the scooter without tensing up. This grip will enable you to maneuver the scooter more easily and respond quickly to any changes in the riding environment. Remember to keep your wrists straight and avoid locking your elbows to reduce the risk of strain and injury.

  • 3. Distributing weight evenly on the deck

Proper weight distribution is crucial for both comfort and safety when riding an electric scooter. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart on the deck, positioning one foot slightly forward and the other slightly back. This stance provides better balance and stability while riding. Ensure that you distribute your weight evenly between both feet, avoiding leaning too far forward or backward. This even weight distribution will help you maintain control over the scooter and reduce the risk of falls or accidents.

Wearing the Right Gear

Safety should always be a top priority when riding an electric scooter. Wearing a helmet is essential to protect your head from potential injuries in case of an accident. Make sure to choose a helmet that fits snugly and comfortably on your head, with straps that are properly adjusted to keep it in place.

In addition to a helmet, consider wearing other electric scooter protective gear such as elbow and knee pads, wrist guards, and reflective clothing or accessories to enhance your visibility to other road users. By wearing the right gear, you can not only ensure a comfortable ride but also significantly reduce the risk of injuries.

Varla long range electric scooter

Proper Maintenance of Your Electric Scooter

Maintaining your Eagle One V2.0 off road battery scooter is not only essential for its longevity and performance but also for ensuring a comfortable and pain-free riding experience. By following these tips and tricks, you can avoid common pain and discomfort while enjoying your electric scooter rides.

Firstly, adjust the scooter's handlebar height to a comfortable level that allows you to maintain an upright posture while riding. This will help prevent strain on your back, neck, and shoulders. Additionally, consider investing in ergonomic grips or gloves to reduce hand fatigue and numbness caused by prolonged riding. The Eagle One V2.0 comes with a dual suspension system that absorbs shocks and provides a comfortable ride on various terrains. Ensure that the suspension is in good condition and properly adjusted to your weight and riding preferences, as this can significantly impact your comfort during rides.

Furthermore, take breaks during long rides to stretch your legs and avoid muscle stiffness. Make sure to wear appropriate footwear with good arch support and cushioning to minimize the impact on your feet and joints. By maintaining your Eagle One V2.0 electric scooter and taking these precautions, you can enjoy a more comfortable and pain-free riding experience.


By prioritizing your comfort and safety through proper maintenance, ergonomic adjustments, and mindful riding habits, you can fully enjoy the benefits of this modern transportation alternative. As you explore the world around you on your electric scooter, remember that a comfortable and safe riding experience is key to making the most out of your journeys. Happy riding!

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