
How Far Can Electric Scooters Go?
As people find that electric scooters are a great solution to the last-mile issue, many people start to consider owning a private electric scooter, which can meet people's short-distance commuting without waiting for crowded buses or subways. The most worrying...
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Are Electric Scooters the Future of Transportation?
In recent years, with the rapid development of the technology of motor vehicles, production and use have increased rapidly. A lot of pollutants are produced by fuel cars. It has become more harmful to the environment and public health. Therefore, people...
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The History of Scooter(ii)
Previous of last article (click to read the last article): In 1817, scooters came out. The first motorized scooter was invented in 1915, it began to enter in people's daily life. How did the scooter become one of the most...
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The History of Scooter (i)
Do you know when the first scooter appeared? Take a guess! You can't believe that it comes out as early as 1817. Who invented it? How is the performance? What improvements have people made based on that scooter? Keep reading...
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